Category Archives: Random Bethany

These are post to that give a little more of a glimpse into my personal life. What I’m up to or things I enjoy

Futanari Amazon Princess Exhibit

It was Gregory’s first night as the museum’s night watchman when he came across the new exhibit. He had visited every night in the seven days since, and tonight being Halloween was no different. It had been set up to look like a real Amazon forest with dense trees, grass, and leaves all over. There was even a waterfall and pond. Placed throughout were statues of Amazon women. Interesting because they were not the large imposing women that come to mind when one thinks of an Amazon woman. No, these women were petite in stature. Out of the entire museum, this exhibit was the most fascinating and yet relaxing at the same time. 

The full moon peered into the dome over the forest giving it an eerie glow. He heard sounds of feminine laughter drifting over to him. He followed the sound over to the Amazon exhibit to find the statues were no longer statues but very much alive. 

The women beckoned to him with playful smiles and enticing charm. Gregory, sure that he was dreaming but in no hurry to wake, did not hesitate to join the women. They made quick work of taking off his clothes and he puffed out his chest as they eyed his erection. Yeah, he wasn’t the biggest, probably more than average, but these were Amazons they probably never even saw a cock before. They led him deeper into the springs and began to bathe him in the water, rubbing their hands over every inch of his body and working his cock to a stiff, hard, erection.

They frolicked and laughed as they massaged oils into his body, speaking to him in their ancient language. Finally, when the moon was at its highest in the sky they brought out wooden bowls filled with richly colored paints and began to decorate his body. They painted swirls of red and black around his nipples and cock and lines up the back of his thighs. He yelped when one young woman was so bold as to spread his cheeks and paint a circle around his puckered ass hole. It reminded him that as nice as his dream was, he really shouldn’t be sleeping on the job. Besides he would be back again tomorrow night.

Gregory tried his best to think of a way to wake up. One of the ladies placed a leather collar around his neck, while another placed a leather harness over his head. Gregory gasped out of alarm, his hands groping to try and remove the harness. The woman smiled at him secretly and placed a finger over his lips, while two other women grabbed his wrists and forcefully tied them behind his back. 

The coy women were no longer so playful and he could swear they had grown. In fact,  they had grown … and grown. Their small, supple, bodies transformed until he was eye level with their breasts.

He struggled hard but the Amazon women simply picked him up as if he weighed nothing and carried him to where the beautiful Amazon Princess was seated. He was placed onto a pedestal just in front of her throne, his wrists and ankles were bound and tied to steel rings that had been fastened to the sides of the pedestal. The Princess uncrossed her legs and stood, revealing an enormous, swollen, cock. She grinned down at Gregory, licking her lips as her gaze traveled over him. He felt exposed and vulnerable and with growing horror, he realized he was not the guest of honor. He was the offering to their Princess, her delectable fuck toy picked and groomed for her pleasure. 

It was a long night for Gregory. When the beautiful Amazon Princess was done using his holes, filling him with her cum until he felt like it saturated every inch of his body, she allowed her royal servants to have their way with him as well. They fucked him until the sun rose over the domed windows of the museum. Only then did the beautiful women return to their resting form and the exhibit once again fell quiet.

Gregory, however, was nowhere to be found. The only trace of him was his uniform piled up in front of the exhibit of Amazon women. The Amazon Princess sat on her throne with a look of satisfaction upon her face.

Wow, poor Gregory. No will ever know what happened to him. But if you listen closely you may hear laughter and sighs of the amazon woman as they use their new toy! I hope you enjoyed your visit to this very special exhibit you are welcome to return.. at your own risk.

Ms. Cassidy will continue your tour from here! Have fun and be careful!

Love Note about COVID-19

The one thing about giving up control to me, your Princess, is that you feel safe with me. You know that I respect your person and your boundaries. It’s a release in more way than one.

COVID-19 has no boundaries

From the time we wake up until we go to bed, we are so used to controlling every part of our lives. If something surprises us we are good at adapting and moving forward. So when something as serious as COVID-19 completely disrupts that day to day, moment to moment routine not just for you but the entire world it can bring about a lot of emotions, including fear, anger, and sadness. Not knowing how this will affect your life and the people that you love can make you feel well.. a little crazy. I want you to know that all of these feelings are normal and it is okay to feel them. Even though we have to keep our distance we are still all in this together.

Things you can control

You have control over how you react to the situation around you. Be patient with each other and also yourself. Stress and anxiety can bring out the best and worst in everyone. Remember a kind act no matter how big or small will make a big impact. A friendly text or a little message with encouragement can go a long way to a friend or family.

What to do while Self Isolating.

Are you getting stir crazy? Well, part of serving your princess is making sure you stay healthy. Seriously regardless of whether we’ve talked only once or twice or we speak regularly. Even if we have never spoken but you pop in to listen to my audios or read my blogs, I care about your well being. Besides when is the last time you could make a big impact just by staying home.

Um.. Phone Sex!

Hahaha, this is a no brainer. Escape with me for a while and put everything else out of your head. We can talk, play, fuck, talk, and then fuck again. You get the picture ? Phone sex is the ultimate getaway.

DIY project or spring cleaning

I have a closet that I stuffed full of stuff when I first moved to Colorado last year. It was glowing the last time I walked by it. I’m sure I’ve packed so much stuff into that closet that it’s formed a singularity into another dimension. (Yeah I just nerded out) So it’s time to do some interdimensional house cleaning! You could tackle a DIY project you’ve been putting off or find one to do!

Get lost in a good story

We are storytellers by habit. Everyone loves a good story and they come in many forms. Books, movies, gaming, roleplaying are some of the ways we can immerse ourselves in a great story and go on a journey without leaving your house. Take a peek at my list of some of my favorite books!

My availability

My classes have been converted to online for the remainder of this semester and that frees up my availability for live calls and texting sessions. I really want to connect with you and know how you’re during. Feel free to hit me up via the chat window at the bottom of this page or email me at to set up a session or give me a call at 1-800-601-6975

Straight A’s and Winter break

Straight A’s!

You are looking at a STRAIGHT A student. My grades were posted today and your tgirl princess got straight A’s! Even in the one class, I wasn’t expecting. Yep, boys, I’m both beautiful AND brainy. As usual, you all have been amazing with hanging in there with my crazy schedule with your phone calls and encouraging messages. It was so nice to take a break from homework and play with you. It gave my brain a chance to reset and decompress and helped me to concentrate so much better after. A hard dick can be distracting ?.  

I’m on Winter Break

The semester is over and I’m out of school until mid-January. I think this break is well deserved and I’m looking forward to spending some extra one on one time with you. So if you’ve been missing me, my availability is now wide open. Mmm, and that means you will be wide open too ?.  Some of you have a lot of catching up and bending over to do. You can catch me when you see me available or chat with me through my private messenger at the bottom of my website to set up a time or ask any questions you may have about a session. Make sure you subscribe to receive notifications when I’m available for calls, post a new blog or release a new audio. You definitely want to be the first to know! You can subscribe and unsubscribe to these notifications at any time. Click here to view a screenshot on how to do this.

 What else is new?

I updated my Sexy Texting, Audio Store and Spoil Me page. Check them out! Most of you already know why I have two birthdays listed, but if you don’t, ask me during our next call! In case you missed it, read all about why I love phone sex with you and find out something about me I’ve only told one other person before now. Wow… I think that was everything so far. I hope that your Holiday Season is off to a fun and festive start. Now, it’s time to come sit on my lap and listen as my voice describes with explicit detail all the lewd ways I plan to get your name permanently etched onto Santa’s naughty list *grins*? Call me! 

Thank you Note

I wanted to hop on here and write a little thank-you note! Last week I was sick with a really bad cold and a few of you sent get-well messages, suggestions of home remedies, and get-well tributes. . I really believe that helped me get better a lot sooner. The special attention I received reminds me that pampering comes in so many forms, that are not always sexual. To love on me and indulge me even when I’m not feeling the best or my sexiest is very special to me. Your messages to check on me telling me how you wish you could fix me soup and cuddle with me were very sweet. Sissy’s are mother hensWe all know that sissy’s are soft and sweet and feminine. They are very nurturing and want nothing more than to make me happy. Always eager to serve me But when I was sick my sissies turned into mother hens doting on me. Fretting over me..wanting to kiss me and make everything all better. It was so cute.

Ulterior motives Now, *grins* you may have ulterior motives for wanting your princess back in peak condition. But now that I am.. no complaining when I leave you walking funny for a few days. Mmmm…you know who you are. Such a makes my dick hard thinking about it. You’re amazing.

P.S. This post should have shown up sooner, but my website was acting a little goofy and needed a good spank into submission

Princess Bethany 1-800-601-6975 Email: bethany@enchantrixempire.comTwitter: @babewithaboner Skype: EnchantrixBethany

Free phone sex minutes

Umm, it’s  4:30am!  I’m not even sure why I’m still up! Actually I do, I got carried away hopping through some of my favorite movie scenesfree phone sex minutes on YouTube. Does anyone else like to do that? Just skip the movie and find your favorite scenes to them on YouTube?  What are some of your favorite movie scenes?  Tell me in the comments below.  Anyways, I’m working on my next blog post and so my creative juices are flowing. I have to ride it out *grins* Anyways I am feeling spontaneous and decided to give away some minutes. The first person who replies in the comment section below with the correct answers will win 10 free minutes added to their call.  Ready?

There is a difference between you and me. We both looked into the abyss.. but when it looked back us… you blinked.

I want to know the following:

  1. Name of the movie
  2. Who said it
  3. Who were they speaking to

10 Free Phone Sex Minutes if you can answer this!

Someone reading this has to be as big of a nerd as I am. You’ll probably wonder why it’s so easy. I’m sleepy okay?. The first person to reply in the comment section with the correct answers will  win 10 free minutes added to their call. You must answer ALL three question correctly.  If you’re the first one to reply, but you only answer one or two. The prize will go to the person who answered all 3 questions correctly. You have to purchase at least a 10 free phone sex minutes or sexy texting session with me and the 10 minutes will be added to that. They do not carry over to the next call. I am looking forward to seeing who wins this little challenge. Good luck!

I’m a babe with a boner

babe with a boner

babe with a boner

Mmm, notice anything different about my website? I will give you a minute, there are a few things you are sure to notice! Those who picked up on it already.. NO spoilers lol!  

Babe With a Boner ?

If you guessed the name of my website changed you guessed right!!! I recently changed the name of my site from to If you follow me on twitter (and you should!)you probably already recognize that name. You can still use to get here, so if you have me bookmarked (which you should!) you don’t have to change it. But you will see babewithaboner in the address bar and you will land right where you want to be, here with me! 

What Else is New?

I along with a new name my website has a new look! Can you tell I like to keep you on your toes? And with this new makeover I decided to share more of myself. Let you meet the girl behind the avatar.  My avatar isn’t going anywhere, but you will get to see your favorite chick with a dick in the flesh from time to time! If you are curious about why, just ask me during our next call 

This Summer is flying by!

It has been crazy hot, like when I’m home, I’m naked and girl cock out hot ? . Even though it still July, it feels like this summer is flying by.. with me moving and still getting settled. And now and classes are will be starting next month, it feels like the summers almost over already. Don’t worry though I will still be on for calls with my horny cock suckers and jerk off buddies, and those of you who like to cuddle up and spoil me.  If you don’t see me on and want to do a call please feel free to email me or call into dispatch. I would love to hop on between classes and beat one off with you, lol yeah I’m bad ? Can’t wait to connect with you! 

Your Babe With a Boner ?

Goddess Bethany


Happy Tuesday: New Audio!

Lol, I know it’s kind of late but wishing you guys a happy Tuesday. It’s still not over yet! I wanted to hop on here to say hello and fill you guys on a few things! I’m finishing up school this week and the semester is over for the summer, yay! If I haven’t already, I want to thank you guys for hanging in there with my crazy schedule for calls and your sweet emails saying you’ve missed me. You should be seeing a lot more of me!

Click2Listen to the audio of this post 🙂

Happy TuesdayWhat’s New With Me?

I gave my avatar and my website a brand spanking new make over.  My website is lot more mobile friendly, so you can check out my latest post on the go and see if I’m available for calls. See that cute little bubble at the bottom? You can chat with me right through my website to see if I’m available for a session or ask questions before a call! Just know if I’m on a call I won’t be able to answer you right away, but I will get back to you as soon as I can <3

Sexy Texting sessions will always be held through skype or discord! This is simply another way to get in touch.

In Case You Missed It!

I have a new audio available  for sale in the Enchantrix Audio Store! You get to wake up next to me, your princess for some hot and heavy mutual masturbation! Click here to listen to the sample! This audio comes with 2 versions, so when you buy it make sure you email me so I can send you the second version FREE of charge!

Okay I have to run for now, tomorrow’s Hump Day!  Can’t wait to hump you silly :p

Your Babe With A Boner,

Princess Bethany



Random Bethany

It’s Saturday and I’m having a Random Bethany moment an just hopping on here to give a quick hello and wish everyone an AWESOME weekend! As you can see, Willow and I are hanging out being goofy 😀  See if you can name all the silly things wrong with this picture!

What’s new with me!

Erotic Audio Store

I just posted my first erotic audio on Enchantrix Audio store.. slide on over there to check it out, or read about it here! I’m accepting custom audio request and ideas for future erotic store audios. You can leave a comment below or email me at

Enchantrix Discord Channel

Ms Harper set up an Enchantrix Discord channel where you can hang out and chat with some of us Mistresses. So come and join us by clicking this link Enchantrix Discord Invite

In Case You Missed It!

Yes I take phone sex calls!

I cleared up some confusion about the services I offer. In addition to Virtual sessions, I do take phone sex calls, sexy texting sessions and I can watch your cam on skype! Also I’m featured on several LDW sites.  Read more here and as always shoot me an email or leave a comment if you have any questions!

Erotic phone Sex Audios

Find out how to get the most enjoyment from an erotic audio by reading here.

Okay I’m off to take calls and do naughty stuff! Mmmm, maybe I will get to play with some butts today ?. Talk to you soon!

Your Babe with a Boner,

Princess Bethany

Erotic phone sex audios

So I want to build a collection of erotic phone sex audios for the audio store. And I thought who better to ask than you guys, right?

What is an erotic phone sex mp3 audio?

An erotic phone sex audio is sexually explicit mp3 recording designed to heighten sexual arousal and induce a physically thrilling masturbation experience. 

Why are phone sex mp3s so awesome?

Once you purchase an audio, it’s yours forever. You can listen to them anywhere and as many times as you want! If you are shy or want to invest in getting to know your mistress before calling, purchasing an erotic audio is a great way to break the ice!

Types of Erotic Phone Sex Audios

It can range from the hot and wet sounds of masturbation (me jerking my girl cock?) to the telling of a deeply descriptive erotic story, to detailed stroking instructions from your mistress and so much more. Below are a few examples but the possibilities are endless and my mind is open.

Feminization Assignments

An audio recording outlining various sissy training assignments and feminization task. Very helpful for sissy transformation and feminization conditioning.

Erotic Storytelling

The telling of an vividly descriptive erotic story


Similar to storytelling, but acting out the different roles in the story!

Guided Masturbation Assignments & Affirmations

Detailed instructions on how to stroke, when to stroke. Anywhere from intense edging to orgasm denial.

Erotic Fan Fiction

This would be storytelling involving scenes from your favorite, book, tv show or even video game.

Custom Erotic Audios MP3

This is an erotic audio experience designed just for you, you can provide the script or give me a general idea of what you are looking for. These are one of my favorite type of audios to perform because it gives me a look into your mind and what really turns you on! You can email me at for custom audio request

How to get the most out your erotic phone sex audio                                                               

erotic phone sex mp3

Wear headphones!

Wearing headphones or earbuds will bring my voice up close and personally right in your ears. You will feel like I’m caressing right there with you caressing you with my voice. I promise it will give you tingles and make your toes curl. Also headphones will muffle or block out distracting background noises. 

Get rid of distractions!

Turn off your tv or computer, unless you’re watching porn of course. Put your cell phone on silent and give yourself enough time to really get into it without being rushed. Darken the room and take a minute or two to clear your head by take a few deep breaths and relaxing your body. Sometimes we hold onto tension without realizing it. 

One of the perks of purchasing a phone sex erotic audio is that you can listen to them virtually anywhere. However, the best way to enjoy them is when you are sure to have no interruptions. Darken the room you’re in and make sure you have enough time to enjoy the afterglow of an intensely satisfying orgasm! If you are at work make sure you LOCK the door to your office and close the blinds and since most Erotic audios are NSFW, you definitely want headphones!

Have your lube and sex toys ready.

Even though you can pause and play a recording as much as you want, it’s nice to have your masturbation toys and plenty of lube ready and within reach, so you don’t have to break the mood to go get them. This also is good for live sessions with me. Not sure which toys you want to play with? GET THEM ALL! ? Trust me I don’t judge

What you can expect from my erotic phone sex audios

Whether it’s one of the free audios you can find here on my website or one of the audios available for purchase at the erotic audio store you can expect quality, authenticity, and creativity. You can expect my erotic audios to be intensely graphic and descriptive.  You can expect me to have fun making them. I get really turned on while making and audio so don’t be surprised if you hear me jerking my girl cock ?.

I need Phone Sex Audio Ideas!

Here’s your chance to rise and truly shine and serve your tgirl princess! Your sexy babe with a boner needs some steamy subjects to build her collection on  Enchantrix Erotic Phone Sex Audio store. So I need you to shoot me an email at or leave a comment below! 

Princess Bethany 1-800-601-6975


Dancing in panties, my feet thank you, & Netflix

dancing in panties

This is how I coerce shy guys into sucking my Princess cock. I tease them with my sexy ass until they are ready to drop to their knees and do anything for me! I sway my hips from side to side and jiggle my booty on their boners in my tight leggings until their cocks are ready to burst out of their pants. And that’s when I know I have them. Then I turn around and present my Princess Cock to them and tell them they want me to take care of that hard on, have to be a good boy and suck me first. Ladies first,right? 

My feet thank you!

To the mysterious person who sent me the unicorn bedroom slippers, Thank you!! I’m wearing them right now and they feel so cozy and amazing on my feet! Also, I want to thank those of you who have been leaving comments on my blog, especially my cuddly little sissified pet who spoils me so well. I LOVE hearing from you! Keep it up, and don’t forget to subscribe!

Dancing in Panties & Netflix

 A couple of friends flew up yesterday and are crashing at my place to get away from the hurricane. So we’re going binge watch Netflix, eat junk food and have a weekend long slumber party! Lot’s of dancing in panties and socks to take our minds off the scariness that’s unfolding. I’ll be around for calls and if you don’t see me on you can request the dispatcher to contact me!

I know that a lot of people were unable to evacuate for various reasons. If that includes you please stay safe, and make sure you have plenty of supplies. I’m thinking of you. Drop me an email and let me know you’re okay?

Your Babe with a Boner,

Princess Bethany