Time to Make you Squirm
The room is dark with just enough light filtered through the small window for you to see your body. You are strapped down to the table the leather cuffs holding you securely in place. They give you enough room to wiggle, but you find the more you wiggle the tighter they become. I chuckle as I saunter into the room. Smiling down at you I walk around the the table smugly admiring my handiwork. My long nails gently raking across your skin sending shivers up your spine. You fidget with helplessness, your naked body a reminder of how vulnerable you are to whatever it is I have planned for you. I wrap my hand around your cock and between stroking, slowly at first.. very methodical. My slender fingers gripping you firm and true. I slide them up and down your cock until it is painfully stiff with precum bubbling out of the tip slicking up my fingers. I walk to up and smear that glistening pre-cum across your lips before disappearing into the shadows of the room.
Tickling Tarantulas
Your eyes widen in terror when I return almost immediately holding two of the biggest tarantula spiders you’ve ever seen.Hahaha I cackle loudly at the stark fear as you eye my fingers gently petting my furry pets. I then place them every soo carefully onto your naked crotch. You can feel the pads of their furry legs walking over the most delicate sensitive parts of your body. Your cock and balls. Your body jerks in fear and the tarantulas hiss raising their front legs in terrible warning“No, no no”.. I warn shaking my finger at you. You see my little pets give a nasty nasty bite when frightened.. sudden movements and loud noises will have them sinking their fangs into your flesh.”
Sadistic Tickle Torment
Trying to calm yourself and force your body to relax, only to tense up again when you see me produce a very long black feather. Grinning, I begin to stroke the feather along the tarantulas and then between your inner thighs. The wispy feel of the feather dips underneath your knees and you jerk involuntarily trying to escape the ticklish sensation. Sliding that feather down up to your armpits, I grin as you try to squeeze them close to your body. Oh my, it looks like I’ve found your spot. I begin to tickle your arm pits over and over. You try to hold your giggles in but after a few minutes of deliberate tickle torment you burst out in loud peels of laughter your body jerking and your breath in deep heaving pants. My large pet spiders hiss and sink their fangs into your cock and balls and you squeal in pain. Mmm such a wonderful sound. I run that feather along your body tickling you and try as you you might you can’t get away from it.
Never Just one Bite
Your jerking and pleases get louder and louder and then it happens again. One of my arachnid friends bites you, you scream in pain, but hahaha I don’t stop. I keep tickling my way around your body leaving no inch of your naked vulnerable body untouched. Your toes your neck, your stomach, nothing escapes my attention. Your cries for mercy only driving your fate as my spiders continue to prick at your cock and balls with their sharp fangs. There is no escaping my twisted Tarantula CBT torment. What would you do for mercy? Do you think you can convince me to give it to you? Mmmm, let’s find out together Miss Riley’s next in our Halloween Blog train. You can find here if you dare… grins and I KNOW you do. Your Sadistically Witchy Babe With a Boner,Tgirl Princess Bethany