Caught JOI Masturbating

As you know it’s finals week and things are ALWAYS crazy during finals week. My professor held one last zoom class to help clear up any questions before the big test and also for us to say our goodbyes before the summer.

Study Partner Crush

I’ve been crushing on my study partner all semester. He’s so cute and super smart and made studying so much fun. Turns out it is extremely hard to concentrate when all I can think about is how I want to have him wrapped around my finger, and then my cock, or maybe me wrapped around his cock. Do I have to choose?

Private Lessons

So back to our zoom class. Zoom has a feature where you can pull someone to a private chat or conference room, which is great when you want to work in groups and pairs without interfering with your classmates. Great for when I want to tell your study partner about all the x-rated fantasies he’s starred in during my midnight jerk off sessions.

Confessing my crush on ZOOM

I had it all planned out. I was going to confess my crush to him and then tell him about the many times I fantasized watching him stroke his cock for me. About how I imagined surprising him with my cock and us both telling each other how to stroke and getting each other off in class without anyone else knowing. It was going to be perfect.

Caught JOI Masturbating

Except when… I don’t quite set up our private zoom space correctly and the ENTIRE class including my professor catches us both with our dicks out stroking. Well listen to the audio and you can hear for yourself.

Yeah so that happened…. and my professor was NOT amused. He had his own way of reigning me in, but that is way too explicit to share here. Lol, you’re going to have to call me for that. I can’t believe I told you that much!

Turning the Tables

Ms. Erika is your next stop on the Masturbation May blog train and she’s about to turn the tables or turn you inside out. Hmm, I can’t remember which one!. If you thought your poor balls were blue now, wait until she gets done with you. 😋

Her Royal Edging Boy

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess named Bethany.  Princess Bethany was loved by her subjects far and wide. She was known for her beauty, generous nature and was adored and doted on as a Princess should be.

This Princess, however, had somewhat of a bratty side. She loved to play little jokes to interrupt the routine of palace life.  One day, a prank went a little too far.

Glitter Bomb Dildos

“Is it true that you set off dildo shaped glitter bombs?” Her tutor Mistress Misty quipped. 

Princess Bethany bit back a smile and tried her best to look apologetic. The royal guard behind her then sneezed, sending a puff of bright pink glitter into the air and the Princess couldn’t stop her laughter from escaping.

“As the Princess and the future ruler of this land. You must understand that your actions affect the welfare of the people you lead. Therefore you will not be punished for your actions.” Bethany almost breathed a sigh of relief. But then Ms. Misty finished “You will choose one of your adoring subjects to bear this punishment for you. As your servants. Your ladies in waiting will be there to witness and assist you. You will see how your actions can have dire consequences for your people.”

You can’t punish a Princess

Princess Bethany looked out among the crowd of people her gaze scanning over them until they landed on someone. She pointed to a curly-haired man in the crowd. The people surrounding him immediately gave wide berth as the startled man looked around. Immediately two guards appeared and carried the frightened man away. 

Now you must find a punishment to suit your actions. I will leave you to it.  Princess Bethany looked down at the man kneeling on the floor. He was naked and his hands were restrained behind him. She loved her subjects and felt genuine distress that this poor man had to receive punishment at her hands.

Then her lips curved into a smile as an idea formed.  After all, her tutor did say the punishment could be anything.

Hours later..

Panting and moaning Dustin’s pleas for mercy took on a strong note of desperation. A fine sheen of sweat glistened on his body and his engorged cock dribbling precum onto the floor. 

“Princess, please no more. I beg of you.” Princess Bethany’s fingertips stroked lightly over Dustin’s rigid cock. Dustin had been edged repeatedly on and off all day. Princess Bethany and her beautiful ladies-in-waiting teased and tormented his cock. Stroking, rubbing, sometimes even slapping his dick over and over. Every time it seemed they would allow him to cum, they would slow down their strokes or altogether stop. They pinched his nipples and kissed his lips and even stuffed his ass with butt-plugs. 

Bethany’s husky laughter filled his ears making his body tremble and his cock drool even more. “I’m sorry pet. I’m afraid I don’t think I’ve learned my lesson yet. You see, this was not supposed to be pleasant for me at all. But I have found my punishment to be quite entertaining. She motioned for her ladies to gather around him. “However I do understand your torment” Smirking wickedly she pulled up her long jeweled embellished gown. His gaze slowly traveled up her white stockings, unable to stop himself from admiring her legs and smooth skin. Then he gasped in shock as when his eyes landed on the heavy dick bulging between his princess’s thighs.  Her own precum darkening the material around the fat head of her cock.

Her Royal Cocksucker

One of her ladies in waiting rushed over to pull down Princess Bethany’s pantyhose, while another lady wrapped her hand around Bethany’s cock and stroked it.  Bethany then approached him and gripped her cock in her hand and rubbed it against his lips smearing her sticky precum against his cheek and dick slapping him a few times before presenting her cock for him to suck. Two of her ladies kneel behind him and placed their hands on the back of his head pushing his face between Bethany’s legs. They coaxed and teased him, commanding him to suck his princess well. They laughed at the slurping sounds he made. Bethany lifted her leg over his shoulder squeezing his face to her and fucking his mouth hard.

Her Royal Edging Boy

The next morning Princess Bethany stood in front of her tutor looking properly contrite. Her pet lay on the floor, weak and exhausted.

“I trust you have learned a valuable lesson from this experience. Princess Bethany nodded in agreement. “Good then you will keep him as a reminder to behave like a proper young lady. From now on he will be your Royal Whipping Boy.

“Yes, Ms. Misty” Bethany agreed before turning to leave. Her eyes landed on her new personal servant, already forming her next plan for Her Royal Edging Boy.

Next on Masturbation May Blog Train

Lol, did you enjoy that? I bet you’re wondering if Dustin was able to cum after almost 24 hours edging, teasing and denial. The answer is NO. and you can’t cum either😈! It wouldn’t be much of a punishment, now would it? As for his Princess, you ask. *Pats bulge* I ALWAYS get to cum.

The next stop on this blog train is Mistress Rachel! Maybe she will take pity on your poor dick. I doubt it though.

Love Note about COVID-19

The one thing about giving up control to me, your Princess, is that you feel safe with me. You know that I respect your person and your boundaries. It’s a release in more way than one.

COVID-19 has no boundaries

From the time we wake up until we go to bed, we are so used to controlling every part of our lives. If something surprises us we are good at adapting and moving forward. So when something as serious as COVID-19 completely disrupts that day to day, moment to moment routine not just for you but the entire world it can bring about a lot of emotions, including fear, anger, and sadness. Not knowing how this will affect your life and the people that you love can make you feel well.. a little crazy. I want you to know that all of these feelings are normal and it is okay to feel them. Even though we have to keep our distance we are still all in this together.

Things you can control

You have control over how you react to the situation around you. Be patient with each other and also yourself. Stress and anxiety can bring out the best and worst in everyone. Remember a kind act no matter how big or small will make a big impact. A friendly text or a little message with encouragement can go a long way to a friend or family.

What to do while Self Isolating.

Are you getting stir crazy? Well, part of serving your princess is making sure you stay healthy. Seriously regardless of whether we’ve talked only once or twice or we speak regularly. Even if we have never spoken but you pop in to listen to my audios or read my blogs, I care about your well being. Besides when is the last time you could make a big impact just by staying home.

Um.. Phone Sex!

Hahaha, this is a no brainer. Escape with me for a while and put everything else out of your head. We can talk, play, fuck, talk, and then fuck again. You get the picture ? Phone sex is the ultimate getaway.

DIY project or spring cleaning

I have a closet that I stuffed full of stuff when I first moved to Colorado last year. It was glowing the last time I walked by it. I’m sure I’ve packed so much stuff into that closet that it’s formed a singularity into another dimension. (Yeah I just nerded out) So it’s time to do some interdimensional house cleaning! You could tackle a DIY project you’ve been putting off or find one to do!

Get lost in a good story

We are storytellers by habit. Everyone loves a good story and they come in many forms. Books, movies, gaming, roleplaying are some of the ways we can immerse ourselves in a great story and go on a journey without leaving your house. Take a peek at my list of some of my favorite books!

My availability

My classes have been converted to online for the remainder of this semester and that frees up my availability for live calls and texting sessions. I really want to connect with you and know how you’re during. Feel free to hit me up via the chat window at the bottom of this page or email me at to set up a session or give me a call at 1-800-601-6975

Do you have a pussy mouth?

Do you have a pussy mouth?

If you’ve done a call with me, then yes, you have a pussy mouth, lol. A pussy mouth is what happens when you’re sucking cock and your mouth is making the same sounds that a woman’s pussy makes when a big dick is thrusting into it. It’s the wet, sloppy, squishy and slapping sounds that get precum and secretions everywhere. If you’ve never been able to get your woman’s kitten to make that sound, then I’m afraid your dick isn’t big enough and you don’t deserve the privilege of fucking her anyway. Just turn on any porn and you’ll hear exactly what I’m talking about. Actually, I have a better idea, invite one of her hung ex-boyfriends over and you can hear AND see what I’m talking about. Come back to this blog post when you’ve done that.

You’re going to make yourself useful

Welcome back *grins*  How many times did you watch them fuck? Wow, they are still at it? That’s okay, you’re going to make yourself useful in just a few minutes. I know hearing those noises made your cock painfully hard. Mmm, well that’s what I’m going to do to your mouth. I’m going to make your mouth a sloppy squishy mess. So when I call you pussy boy, or pussy face, or pussy mouth, that means my dick is sliding in and out of your face and it sounds just like pussy. Now pussy boy get on your knees and call your Princess.

Straight A’s and Winter break

Straight A’s!

You are looking at a STRAIGHT A student. My grades were posted today and your tgirl princess got straight A’s! Even in the one class, I wasn’t expecting. Yep, boys, I’m both beautiful AND brainy. As usual, you all have been amazing with hanging in there with my crazy schedule with your phone calls and encouraging messages. It was so nice to take a break from homework and play with you. It gave my brain a chance to reset and decompress and helped me to concentrate so much better after. A hard dick can be distracting ?.  

I’m on Winter Break

The semester is over and I’m out of school until mid-January. I think this break is well deserved and I’m looking forward to spending some extra one on one time with you. So if you’ve been missing me, my availability is now wide open. Mmm, and that means you will be wide open too ?.  Some of you have a lot of catching up and bending over to do. You can catch me when you see me available or chat with me through my private messenger at the bottom of my website to set up a time or ask any questions you may have about a session. Make sure you subscribe to receive notifications when I’m available for calls, post a new blog or release a new audio. You definitely want to be the first to know! You can subscribe and unsubscribe to these notifications at any time. Click here to view a screenshot on how to do this.

 What else is new?

I updated my Sexy Texting, Audio Store and Spoil Me page. Check them out! Most of you already know why I have two birthdays listed, but if you don’t, ask me during our next call! In case you missed it, read all about why I love phone sex with you and find out something about me I’ve only told one other person before now. Wow… I think that was everything so far. I hope that your Holiday Season is off to a fun and festive start. Now, it’s time to come sit on my lap and listen as my voice describes with explicit detail all the lewd ways I plan to get your name permanently etched onto Santa’s naughty list *grins*? Call me! 

Why I love phone sex with you

I love phone sex with you. Yes, I’m talking to you! You may have thought to yourself, how weird your particular kink may sound to me. Well, so what if it’s weird?  So what if it’s something I haven’t heard of? You guys have no clue how weird your princess is, trust me.  We are here to explore each other minds, bodies and transcend the limits placed on us by ourselves or society. I’m the girl that gets to waggle her dick in your face and tell you to suck it. I’m the bratty domme that will call you all kinds of filthy names that no one would dream of uttering in your presence. I get to see a side of you that you don’t share with everyone else, that is incredibly intimate and sexy as fuck.

Listen to the Audio of this post

Want to know a secret?

I will share something about myself with you. I can orgasm to certain types of music without touching my cock. It’s pretty wild. I put my headphones on and close my eyes and certain rhythms and notes will ripple sensations throughout my entire body. It starts and in the back of my neck and then my nipples harden and I get this sweet and pleasant pressure in my groin as my cock responds to the different crescendos and mmm, before long I have a crescendo of my own. It feels amazing. Every. Single. Time. Until now I’ve only shared that with one other person.

Sometimes it’s awkward

Sex in any situation can sometimes be a little or a lot awkward. That is not a bad thing, and I find it cute. That is part of what makes it genuine! It’s part of us getting to know each other. I love guys that are shy and awkward around me and are intimidated by a girl with a cock. I love how they blush when I tell them how I’m going to squeeze their face between my thighs as they suck my cock. Or how I want to ride their scruffy beard while my girl cock bounces on their face. If you are finding yourself too shy or awkward to talk about your kink right away, that’s okay. Just talk. We can talk about anything. Tell me something about yourself that’s not sex-related. Let’s have a conversation and get to know each other. Just like a date! 

Boundaries are still okay

We talked about pushing boundaries and transcending limits we have. That being said, that doesn’t mean you can’t have boundaries. We may explore something you are curious about but you find that it isn’t for you. This is normal and okay. As your femdom princess, I enjoy challenging you. I am creative in the ways I play with a submissive or phone playmate There are times that you find something is a hard limit for you or that you may need time to process how it makes you feel. Just make sure you tell me! 

Phone sex is real sex

Anyone who says phone sex isn’t real sex is kidding themselves or they haven’t phone sexed it up with the right person. What is the biggest sex organ on your body? Lol, no it’s not your dick, and that’s true even for me *grins*  Your brain is the most powerful sex organ on your body. Your mind and your imagination are tapped into every nerve and connection in your body. The release, the pleasure the submission is real. The connection that we share is real, it is amazing and passionate. 

I love phone sex with you

If you find yourself feeling self-conscious or worry about what I think of your fetish, I want you to remember that you are safe with me and I’m right where I want23 to be. I love phone sex with you, and I love the freedom and discretion it brings for me to express myself. Lol, all this sex talk gets my dick hard. I will be on for calls later today, have your knee pads ready Your babe with a boner?

Dickgirl Voodoo Doll

Voodoll Mistress, Femdom Mistress with a VooDoo doll

*Record scraaatch* 

Yup.. you’re probably wondering how you got here.

It began after Ms Andi’s trip to Giantess Island and the Portal From Hell. Yeah you actually survived that. Your journey, however is not over just yet. I’m going to warn you right now. This story includes coerced bi, coerced cock sucking, coaxed cum eating, CFNM, humiliation, and a futanari voodoo dickgirl doll (me) with a supernatural appetite for virgin men. Good luck ?

Legend of the Dickgirl Voodoo Doll

There is a legend that if you bury a voodoo doll in the cemetery of Enchantrix Empire Camp Sleepaway, while thinking about your greatest sexual fantasy. She will come alive and make it come true. Be careful what you wish for.

Your cabin mate pats you on the shoulder startling you from your day dream.

“I saw you sneak out last night! You did it didn’t you? You buried the doll!” Your face turns red giving you away before you can think of a reply.  “Haha, I knew you were going to do it! Fuck, I’m so jealous.. camp legend or not. If there was even a sliver of truth to that legend, my ass would have been at the cemetery last night too!”

A Gift from Duchess

The doll he was referring to, was a gift from one of the mistresses She had given it to you the day before. A beautiful enchanting doll, she carved by hand for you the “virgin boy.”  The doll had an otherworldly quality to it.  She had jet black hair and toffee colored skin. Her dark brown eyes stared back you, as if they could see your deepest secrets. It really was an odd gift and really couldn’t do anything to change your virgin status. Still a gift from the Duchess was no small gesture. Thinking that, you begin to feel regretful of leaving the doll buried in the cold ground of the cemetery. You felt silly for even entertaining the idea of a ridiculous camp legend. With that thought, you make the decision to retrieve it tonight while everyone is at the Halloween party. 

CFNM Halloween Party

Later that evening, the Enchantrix Halloween party is in full swing. The ladies are dressed to the nines in costumes both sexy and frightening. The men are serving in suits and ties. It was a CFNM party, the only part of you wearing the tie was your cock. Yes, they made you wear a little tuxedo on your dick. It was evidently clear to EVERYONE, why you are still a virgin and more than a few giggles and outright laughter followed in your wake.

A visit to the cemetery

With everyone distracted, you made your way through the woods to the cemetery and quickly found the spot where you buried the doll. Not wanting to be out there any longer than necessary,  you waste no time digging in search of her. Digging and digging in the dirt and finding…nothing. Where was it? You were sure that this was the spot. You shiver, feeling very cold all of a sudden and you decide that maybe digging around in the dark for a second time in one week wasn’t a good idea. Coming back tomorrow before leaving camp would be smarter.

You’re not alone

You stand up to leave and let out a yelp when you realize you’re not alone. There is a woman standing in front of you, staring at you with her head tilted to the side, and standing very still. How long had she been there?

“What are you looking for?” she asks. Her husky voice seemed to flow in soft whispers. Small fangs peeked out from her lips as she spoke. Something about her seems both familiar and unsettling at the same time. You don’t remember seeing her anywhere at camp. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your heartbeat picks up, drowning out everything else.

“Uhh, nothing. Well I mean it was something, but it’s not here, so I’m just going to go” you stammer.

Granting your greatest desire

“I belong to you,” she says, her lips spreading in a predatory smile. “I am here to fulfill your greatest sexual fantasy. Is that not something you want?” Seeing that you’re rendered speechless, she smiles wider this time, her fangs on full display. “Is that not why you buried me here in the cemetery?” Those eyes… the same eyes that belong to… wait.. no. It couldn’t be. It was your voodoo doll… only she was not a doll. Now it’s time to run.. 

There is no escape

You don’t even see her move. One minute you’re about to run from her and the next minute she’s straddling your face with her knees pinning your arms by your head. In a lightening fast move she pierces your neck with her razor sharp fangs, marking you. When she finally pulls away, she runs her small pink tongue over her fangs as if memorizing your taste, and pulls off her dress revealing a distended cock.The veiny organ was thick was as your forearm and the head was drooling copious amounts of precum. Having to use both hands to handle it, she stroked it, eyeing you hungrily.

The virginity sacrifice

She slapped her meaty dick across your face, clear sticky precum oozing out and running down your cheek. You open your mouth, desperate to convince her that there must be some kind of mistake. A misunderstanding. But she only uses that as an opportunity to shove her obscenely swollen girl cock between your lips. She pulls out and shoves herself back with a groan and begins to use your mouth roughly. The cum in her balls sloshing around as they bounce up and down on your chin before spewing out, coating your throat and your face. She stands up and looks down at you in all of her terrifying glory. Her dick was still hard.

“As I said,” she growls as she pushes your legs over your head so that your ass is exposed and your stiff penis is pointed at your face, “I belong to you, and now you belong to me. I am going to fuck you and grant your greatest desire. When I am done with you, no one will laugh at you for being a virgin. Ever. Again.” And with that she begins to stuff her fat futa cock into your ass, her chilling laughter filling the night.

The next morning

You wake up in your bed to the sounds of your cabin mates packing up to leave camp. It was all a dream? Convincing yourself the disappointment you’re feeling is really relief, you go to swing yourself out bed and find it hard to move. Your body feels sore and well used. You decide to lay back down for a few minutes to get your bearings but when you do, something sharp pokes you. You look down at the bed to see the voodoo doll looking back at you, her serene smile now curved into a smirk with a trace of blood on her lips.

**The artwork in featured in this post is by the artist 3DX character artist @MakaioKealoha on twitter and used with her permission! Check her out!**


Jack O’Lantern Blow Job

pumpkin fucking, having sex with a pumpkin, fucking a pumpkin

Craft Time – Jack O’Lantern Blow Job

Oh Hello, so glad to see you made it! Actually I’m quite impressed that you’ve made it this far, but we are only halfway through. Well let’s take a break from all the spooky horrors that the other Enchantrix Ladies have put you through. I know.. I know they are so beautiful, mean, and sadistically wicked. Don’t worry though, you are safe here with me! Why don’t we do a little arts and crafts project to get your mind off the scary events.

Carving your very own pumpkin pussy

Now, has everyone picked out their pumpkin? Good, let’s begin by carving the eyes and nose! Here’s your chance to show of your carving skills, get creative and make it fun! Don’t worry about scooping out any filling, that will cum in handy later (winks). Now, for the mouth, I want you to carve a hole just slightly bigger than the girth of your dick. Don’t overestimate your penis size. If you have a little penis, carve a little hole! I will humiliate you in front of the other campers if you try to convince yourself your cock is bigger than it really is. For you with the little innie clit, do the best you can, I will make a special accommodation just for you! We at Enchantrix Empire Sleepaway camp pride ourselves in make sure everyone “fits in” *grins*

Camp Side Masturbation Buddies

Let’s take a look at those pumpkin pussies.. very nice. Look at those wet, glistening holes. Mmm, they are begging to be filled with something. But not so fast! Camp arts and crafts should also be a bonding experience. Everyone take out their cocks. Don’t be shy there you go, since we are in a circle everyone is going to reach to their right and stroke the guys dick next to them. Just like holding hands, but dicks instead. There’s nothing like mutual masturbation with your camping buddies! See we’re bonding ? 

Pumpkin Pussy Mouth Pie Holes

Now I want you to slide your cock into that hole and feel that warm pumpkin pulp surround your cock. You heard me, fuck those pumpkin holes for your Princess and enjoy your Jack O’Lantern Blow Job! You have my permission to shoot your load when you’re ready. Fill up those pumpkin holes with your cum. Isn’t arts and crafts fun? Oh you with the innie… hahaha well even in a camp full of the supernatural some things can’t be helped. If you are too small for REAL pussy then naturally you are too small for pumpkin pussy. But that’s okay! Just bend over and lick that that pussy pumpkin.. don’t mind me.. I’m just going to stuff you with my fat girl cock and use your deliciously tight bottom. 

Pumpkin Cream Pie

I bet you came hard. You poor guys.. with all the horrors that you’ve faced to get here, and I know a lot of you wont survive until the end. Now boys arts and crafts is almost over. Time to clean up. I want you to lick your cum out of that pumpkin pie hole. French kiss it, make out with it, eat it out, and slurp it all up. Don’t be afraid to get your face messy! Yes, you are going to eat your cum and lick up every drop of that pumpkin cream pie. As for Little Miss Innie.. I’m going to pull my princess cock out of your ass just in time to give your face a thick hot serving of my special cummy filling. 

Enchantrix Empire’s Camp Sleepaway

Thank you for coming to Camp Sleepaway arts and crafts with Princess Bethany. I hope you enjoyed the short break from all of the fucktivities and horrors, now back to our regularly scheduled program, Duchess Willow’s Ebony Femdom Demonic Foot Worship.? Want to start at the beginning? We have new campers arriving daily, Check in here with Ms Cassidy to get your camping gear!

My Voluptuous Sissy

sissy loves girl cock, tgirl mistress, bratty dickgirl

Now I love my shy sissies. The ones that blush when they think about my cock, that I can tease until they are all tingly and flustered and moaning for me to split them in two. But there is something about a greedy little slut that just doesn’t hold back. The one that hungrily licks me and sucks me all day long like I’m an all you can eat buffet. Yeah I like that. She can keep up with my outrageous sex drive and that takes a pounding and keeps on begging for more, and more. She’ My girl doesn’t try to pretend do be anything than what she is. She’s always known she was a girl, and now she’s my slut. Her body is all curves and mounds. There is no masculinity to hide and prides herself on being able to handle my cock. She’s devoted herself to making sure I am always satisfied. This sissy cock tease flirts with me all day with the hope of me fucking her senseless all night, and then spoils me like crazy. Yep this little sissy is a keeper. What kind of sissy are you? Are you the shy blushing type or a greedy little whore? Call me and let’s find out together!

Princess Bethany 1-800-601-6975

Email: T

witter: @babewithaboner

Skype: EnchantrixBethany

Thank you Note

I wanted to hop on here and write a little thank-you note! Last week I was sick with a really bad cold and a few of you sent get-well messages, suggestions of home remedies, and get-well tributes. . I really believe that helped me get better a lot sooner. The special attention I received reminds me that pampering comes in so many forms, that are not always sexual. To love on me and indulge me even when I’m not feeling the best or my sexiest is very special to me. Your messages to check on me telling me how you wish you could fix me soup and cuddle with me were very sweet. Sissy’s are mother hensWe all know that sissy’s are soft and sweet and feminine. They are very nurturing and want nothing more than to make me happy. Always eager to serve me But when I was sick my sissies turned into mother hens doting on me. Fretting over me..wanting to kiss me and make everything all better. It was so cute.

Ulterior motives Now, *grins* you may have ulterior motives for wanting your princess back in peak condition. But now that I am.. no complaining when I leave you walking funny for a few days. Mmmm…you know who you are. Such a makes my dick hard thinking about it. You’re amazing.

P.S. This post should have shown up sooner, but my website was acting a little goofy and needed a good spank into submission

Princess Bethany 1-800-601-6975 Email: bethany@enchantrixempire.comTwitter: @babewithaboner Skype: EnchantrixBethany